When They Want Your Opinion They’ll Give It To You

We’ve all heard the saying “When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you” from an angry spouse on television, or people joking around. But do you realize that in today’s day and age, it’s actually true, and if we are not careful, we can get sucked right into the same drama that has this world so crazy?

If you are anything like me, you may say it sarcastically from time to time, but you never give credible thought to actually demanding what someone should or should not think, and maybe even roll your eyes at those “strange birds” who have a conspiracy theory for just about EVERYTHING.

But what if…just what IF….there was some truth in that sarcasm? And what IF the idea of a conspiracy theory wasn’t quite as far-fetched as we have always thought? What if, in fact, there was a lot of truth to it?

Have you ever noticed that once something has been portrayed in the media, we have been given our opinions? There are not many actual complete facts in the news. There are a lot of opinions, however. There are a lot pieces of information given to sway our opinions one way, when if the rest of the information was also given, we just may feel the exact opposite. Yes, they wanted our opinion, so they reported the so called facts to us, and from them, gave us our opinion.

Now let me ask you something. I want you to think about this with a very open mind, and try to put yourself personally in this place I am about to describe…

What would you do if you saw a story, thanks to our fabulous, reliable media, unfolding in the courts with so many ridiculous and inexcusable delays, brought on by illegal, immoral, dishonest, unethical ways for the soul purpose of keeping those delays coming, the story fresh in our minds and the community in a constant state of hatred and rage that would likely end in pointless, possibly murderous violence? What would you think about the  media constantly endangering people in the community with the strong opinions of others reported as facts, when you KNEW without a doubt that it was based on half-truths at best? What if it was something that changed lives forever? Something so horrific, not just for the alleged victims and their families, but also the alleged perpetrators and theirs, that lives were shattered, endangered, and even sacrificed for the sake of that story? What if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, from your own personal knowledge, that for every one single truth, there were twice as many lies? What if you witnessed from an actual up close and personally, physically present account that the story was a great deal different from described? What if you knew that extremely pertinent information was kept secret and personal opinions based on years thinking like a criminal was put deliberately, and VERY publicly, in its place? What would you do if you heard they were not giving up until they got the whole story, knowing that you yourself could verify much of it, and they never wanted to talk to you? What would you do if you were more than halfway into the second year of terror, distress, uncertainty and instability, and still no one had ever revealed that truth, and the saga continued with no end in sight? What if you knew that the people supposed to be taking down the criminals were nothing more than criminals themselves? What if you witnessed someone lie in court, so confident they were untouchable that they stared right at you while they did it, almost daring you to say something….knowing there was nothing you could do? And even worse….what if you could prove it, but it could never serve any good purpose but only cause you to sacrifice not only yourself, but your entire family for the rest of your life?

What would you do if this was you? How would you move on with your life understanding what few actually know is not just the pathetic excuse someone made up when they knew they were caught? How would you keep yourself from being untrusting and cynical after learning everything you never wanted to know about your law enforcement, court system, community and even your closest friends? How would you deal with the sympathetic pity of people who thought you just couldn’t admit to the guilt of your loved one, or those who terrorized you and your family, even young children because of it? Can you imagine living in terror never knowing if your car will be tampered with again, or someone will try to break in your house again, or point their finger in your face calling you or your family names again telling you to move states away and never come back because of a story they truthfully know NOTHING about except what the media’s half truth from police revealed? How would you hold it together, pick yourself up and live a happy, peaceful, fulfilling life?

Think about these things…whether it be from the media, from coworkers, high school cliques, or any other hot gossip group such as social media, family,  or any other petty, unreliable, ignorant source.

Don’t judge by the opinions of others. If you don’t know the whole story, just shut up. If you want to know the truth, seek it. We don’t live in a world that wants the truth. We live in a world that wants the story. We live in a world that wants the drama. We live in a world that force feeds us our opinion…their opinion. Have your own opinion. Have no opinion. But whatever your opinion…let it be yours.





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